Wednesday, July 30, 2014

road trip: day 5!

Well I’m caught up on blogging!  We finally went on a little hike, which is something I’ve been dying to do on this trip!  During lunch we had pulled off to Treasure Falls and went on a mile hike after eating.  It was so beautiful!  I wish I had been able to do more exploring and shoot from different angles but we were in a little but of a rush.

Today was a lot of driving so I didn’t do much on the photo front but this is what I got!  

Tomorrow, we’re going to visit the Sand Dunes and hopefully do a little more hiking!  Oh how I love hiking!

road trip: day 4!

This post is technically yesterday’s post but like I mentioned in the other post, electricity has been spotty but now the generator is being super helpful!

Yesterday consisted mostly of driving, but we did make it to the four corners!  To be quite honest, it wasn’t as mind blowing or exciting as people make it out to be.  It’s cool bragging rights, though!

Pictures are pretty scarce from this outing, we didn’t have much going on but there’s still a few I liked!


road trip: day 3!

The network is so spotty where I’m at right now so posting yesterday was not going to happen.  After two nights of being in Ouray, we are headed to the four corners!  But before we leave, I decided I would make an effort to get these pictures up!

I know it’s been a little longer than wanted, but we’re at a campsite with no electricity so charging my computer wasn’t really going to happen last night.  We hooked up the generator so I’m posting two days worth of pictures!

Yesterday morning we went to the hot springs where I was hit on by a boy who looked like he was about 13.  I’ll be honest, it made my day.  

We went back to the camp and ate some yummy lunch consisting of chocolate peanut butter sandwiches (it’s my new favorite food).  Then we headed up to a mine where we were able to walk through the mine and see what it was like to be a miner back in the day.  Unfortunately, it was lit by only a a few lamps on the wall so I couldn’t see through the camera lens to take any good pictures.  I did get a couple good shots at the gift shop!

After that we went to a shopping area with stores all up and down a long street.  Loki came with us but he was ready to run so we looked for a backpack for him (his was back at camp and it wasn’t that great given he could slid out at any moment).  Well, Loki ended up with the most expensive souvenir of the trip and it resulted in him being let into multiple stores and being loved on to no end.

Along the street there was an adorable little chocolate and ice cream parlor where I was left outside with the dog but later presented with a bar of dark chocolate with pumpkin and sunflower seeds.  The store had dubbed it 'The Hippy' since it was a vegan, seed, chocolate.

Anyways, here are the pictures of our trip so far!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

road trip: day 2!

It’s 6:30 and we’ve made it to dinner!  I feel like that’s an accomplishment in and of itself as yesterday was maybe a little too exciting.

This morning started a little too early at 7:20 but we quickly made and consumed delicious pancakes with blueberries and real maple syrup (I got a little too excited about breakfast and I completely forgot about pictures!)!

I know I posted yesterday’s pictures this morning, but I figured I might get back on track while I still can!  

Today was a hearty trip full of farmer’s markets, failed attempts at getting into vineyards, and the Ute museum. It did start to rain at the museum so we had to cut our adventure short.  Hopefully, the weather tomorrow will be a lot nicer!

road trip: day 1!

The first day on the road was successful!  What started off as a four hour drive turned into a six hour excursion.

We had the average lunch break and then a few people (cough cough) forgot their swimsuits so we had a little Target outing and I picked up a super adorable crochet bottom that I’m psyched to wear to the hot springs tomorrow!

On the trip up here I entertained myself with pushing my whole body out of the car with my feet hanging onto the door as I snapped close to 300 shots.

Well, here’s the fruit of my labor! (Don’t put yourself out a moving vehicle at 50 miles an hour.  It’s really hard to see and do anything.)

Enjoy!  Round 2 is coming up either tonight or tomorrow!  Depends on what the internet connection is looking like!  (I'm currently connected to my mom's wifi on her phone!)

Friday, July 25, 2014

shake it up

I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past few weeks and I've come to the conclusion that I need a better purpose for my blog.

I love sharing glimpses into my life and the occasional rant, but I've never really shared my true passions with you.

Starting this week, I'm brainstorming a bunch of posts to begin writing and sharing!  I'm also tweaking the look and layout of my blog to make it more accessible and nice to look at.

So what's the new path I'll be taking with Artistically Me?  I want to share DIY's, tips and tricks, reading lists, music, and still the occasional rant. And like always, I'll be sharing my life, but maybe not to the extent I was before.

I'll also be working out a schedule so I can handle the work load of school and blogging when the time comes (less than a month!).  I've been looking into ads and ways to make money from your blog.  Please keep in mind that I'm not blogging to make money, I think that if I'm going to be spending this much time and effort into my posts from now on, I might as well get paid for it.

My planner is bursting with scheduled posts on holidays and other exciting events!  I'm compiling a very large, color-coded (the only way to make a list!) list on posts and series ideas that are tumbling around in my mind!

Thankfully, my upcoming camping road trip (I really should be packing for it, we leave tomorrow!) will give me some time to really process all the information I've seen today and allow me to sort myself out a bit better.  Maybe it will help me calm down a bit as I'm about to burst with excitement!

I'm so excited to begin this new path with you and my blog!  Stay tuned for new posts, series, and a revamped look!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

we all scream for ice cream

Well I scream for non-dairy frozen yogurt but, whatever.

This past weekend (I'm a huge procrastinator, I know) my family went out to frozen yogurt at the little place up at the corner.  It was so delicious!

I'm trying to include more pictures in my posts and this next week I'll be camping my way around Colorado, so be prepared for a visual overload!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

crazy comes out when no one's home

I used to be homeschooled so I got used to being alone.  Though it sometimes it can get depressing, there is quite a list of things I have a tendency to do when no one's looking.

I honestly was thinking about if other people do the stupid things I do.  So here's my list of what I do when no one's looking...let me know what you do!

01;;  Sing.  Really loudly.

02;; Watch tv.  Really loudly (I do everything loudly when I'm home alone)

03;;  Dance around to my loud music in my underwear.

04;;  I bake.  A lot.

05;;  Write songs.  A lot of songs.  And I scream them.  A lot.

06;; Shave my legs...don't ask me why.

07;;  Tan

It's a short list, but it gives you a little peek into my life when I'm alone.

There's something about being alone with yourself that changes the way you think.  I seem to be much nicer after a few hours, or days, alone.  It's cleansing and satisfying.
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